Escorts in Denver CO

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Peyton Eastwood

Height: 160cm (5ft 2in)
City: Denver CO

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I’ve never tried before.”

I’m the type of woman who loves to play by the rules- in the appropriate setting. I get a thrill out of being the epitome of composed yet also sharing a side of me which is quite the opposite.

We as humans naturally put a guard up. There’s something so amazing about letting your guard down and just being with each other as two humans in a moment in time.

​Predictable has really never been a term which has been associated with me. Mae West once said, “I’ll try anything once, twice if I like it, three times to make sure”.

This speaks deeply to my free spirit personality type.

My interests include visiting new places, finding speakeasies in every new city I go to, real estate, craft cocktails, old movies (Some Like It Hot is a favorite of mine) and music, deep conversation, and getting to know someone down to their core.

While I enjoy deep conversations, I also enjoy getting outside as much as possible! In the cooler months you’ll find me hitting the slopes and during the much warmer ones I can be found out on the ocean surfing or out on a mountain hiking.

Although my love for the outdoors is always present, so is my love for much more material things. Clothes, a nice bottle of wine, and jewelry from Tiffany’s are all also the key to my heart. Bring along a nice red (if it’s during the cooler months) or a crisp white (if it’s in the warmer months) to really wow me!

Let’s get to know each other and share all of our passions.

- Xo, Peyton

The Look

Peyton Eastwood is a 5'3", athletic, 28 year old Caucasian woman with long Brunette hair and blue eyes.

She is available for Male, Female, and Couples.


Check my website for rates and my Q+A for answers to common questions including screening.

When inquiring to book, I will need to know the preferred date, duration, and location.


Denver , Colorado

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